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1,543 |
Sense IT- Pearson Vue, Kryterion and PSI Certified Test Centre
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Sense IT prides itself on providing a professional testing environment for all examinees; we hear many stories of examinees being squeezed into a corner of an office, or trying to finish their exam whilst an employee is cleaning the floors around them.
It is a sad fact that due to the renumeration that is attached to the delivery of exams for providers, exams are often treated as the poor cousin of training. This is not the case for examinees who sit their exam with Sense IT, we offer spacious air conditioned classrooms designed for training and exam testing, ideal for "open book" exams, with a quiet environment which is conducive for study.
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We do not provide DVLA Theory tests or Construction CITB exams which we understand from exam candidates helps, as these exams attract high volumes of candidates and high volumes of noise which can create a less than suitable test environment for sitting professional exams.
Most candidates are surprised that our centre is only a thirty minute drive from Bristol, plus our Test Centre is only a five minute walk from a large car park, so there's no struggle finding a car parking space, there is a local bakery, shops and a cafe open daily from 7am - 2pm to help with your visit. We are also only a ten minute walk away from Highbridge railway station and a ten minute drive from the motorway.
2020 Update -Sense IT are recognised as a preferred exam test centre for the staff of the Ministry of Defence, sitting Cyber Security exams require the highest levels of concentration.
Candidates recognise the importance of using the best facilities available, we have candidates who will travel one to two hours to sit their exam with Sense IT, please do not assume all test centres are the same.
Some of the comments we have received from candidates:
"There was little parking at the other test centre and as it was on an Industrial Estate you could hear noise from the other units"
"Why travel into a city, struggle to find parking, pay high parking fees and then sit the exam, I do not need that Stress!"
"The other test centre delivered the Driving Theory exams! The exam room was so noisy, I couldn't concentrate!"
"I didn't feel confortable at the other test centre, it reminded me of the securty checks at the airport...scary!!!"
"I like coming to Sense IT, its so convenient with a car park nearby, the exam rooms are great and it feels relaxed"
If you need help with booking your exam why don't you give us an email at enquiries@sensetraining.co.uk. we can advise you on times and dates and even help if the dates you want do not appear on the Pearson Vue booking system.
Preparing For Exams
Whether you are preparing to sit a Microsoft, Cisco, CompTIA or any other IT exam, it is a known fact in our Industry that sitting the exam with little more preparation than a Microsoft or Cisco Press book or attending an Instructor-led course will not get you through the exam with a Pass.
We have been delivering exams for over ten years and have an excellent understanding of the Must Do's that will help you achieve the Pass that you are looking for. The curriculum paths provided by Microsoft, Cisco and many others can be some what confusing with many differing paths available to you, but the question we often ask is Why are you wanting to achieve that accreditation? often the reason is to get the CV to the top of the pile of a prospective employer, which we understand but ask yourself the question, if you do get that interview is that a job you want to do?
We have listed below a few suggestions which we hope will help you achieve the accreditation you are looking for:
Choose your learning path carefully - Marketing Works! What are the hot accreditations for your CV?
What will a potential employer be looking for? we have met candidates who have set their minds on achieving a specific accreditation, lets say for instance the CompTIA A+, Network+ and Security+ with the idea of moving or improving their job situation. Our question to the candidate was, "is this the best use of your time and money", taking into account, they were already in full-time employment, they were self funding their exams, each accreditation would of taken approximately 3 months of study and possibly £500.00+ in expenses for the Study guides, Online learning, Practice Tests and exam (assuming the exam was passed first time).
Our suggestion to the candidate was to consider other vendors, which would compliment the CompTIA Network+ by studying for a Microsoft Windows Server 2012 exam, this would help make their CV more attractive to a larger audience, have more impact and help the candidate to be more productive and the study process more cost effective.
Once you have decided on your choosen path - Focus
As we know some of the accreditations, Microsoft's MCSA, MCSD have between three to five exams that a candidate needs to pass before achieving the accreditation. We have met candidates who have booked three different exams over a four week period hoping that they may pass a least one of the exams, but fail all three as they didn't have the expertise or knowledge on such a wide range of technologies. Our advice is focus on one, get one good result first!
What Tools do you need to help you with your study!
Whether you have been using the technology your exam is based on for 3 months or 3 years, attended a Classroom training session, bought a Press book, or a an Online course, these skills /tools will not be enough for you to achieve a Pass. The exams require the candidate to obtain an understanding which can only be achieved by Immersing yourself in the subject, candidates need to understand the style of questions being asked, and this can only be achieved by using Vendor approved Practice Tests or Vendor approved Certification Kits.
Candidate Comments:
"I know without the use of the Practice Test, which allowed me to continuously test my knowledge, I would not have Passed my exam"
When candidates have spoken to Sense IT about their experiences of sitting an exam, some have said "you have to live (the technology)", others have mentioned the need to have "Access to the technology / labs" on a day to day basis.
All of the suggestions listed above are not guarantees that a candidate will pass an exam first time, but will definitely help!
Watch out for that Self Study / Elearning offer which sound to good to be true!
Self Study courses sold on the Internet vary greatly in the quality of the content, it is true to say "less is more" in this scenario, dont get drawn in and pay £800+ for your CompTIA A+ course with Network+ bundled with it, this is an overpriced offer and does not include vendor approved content and tests. If your not sure call us and let us help you develop your career cost effectively and efficiently.
Booking an Exam
Different Vendors have different rules, most exams we can book on your behalf which will allow you to benefit from our schedule of private exam times which are not shown on the Pearson Vue or Kryterion web sites, we have attempted to detail below the booking process for each vendor, if you cannot see the exam vendor in question please visit the Pearson Vue or Kryterion web site.
Sense IT is one of the few test centres in the UK authorised to deliver Amazon AWS, Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure exams.
Amazon AWS Exams
All Amazon AWS exams have to be booked via the Amazon AWS Certification Portal once registered you will be redirected to the PSI portal who are the agents for Amazon. To benefit from the Sense IT exam club which enables you access to our private schedule of dates you will need to email first to arrange your specific date before booking via the site.
CIMA Chartered Institute of Management Accountants -updated Feb 2020
To book a CIMA exam you will first need to register via the CIMA website once registered you will be instructed on how to book your exam and will be introduced to the PearsonVue website. It will be at this point you will be able to choose Sense IT as your test centre, please note! we are one of the few test centres to offer flexible testings times and not just one time per day, which we understand other test centres are unable to provide.
It is known that a CIMA candidate's life can be a "rollercoaster" whilst sitting the exams and it is realistic to expect to sit some of the exams several times before gaining that all important PASS.
If you are also unfortunate enough not to pass your exam the first time there is a 48hour period before you can resit the exam.
Cisco exams can be booked directly with us here at Sense IT so please feel free to email to confirm price, dates and booking your exam.
CompTIA exams can be booked directly with us here at Sense IT so please feel free to email to confirm price, dates and booking your exam.
ICAEW Chartered Accountant- ACA
Sense IT are authorised by BTL to deliver the ICAEW ACA exams at our test site in Highbridge, Somerset, the booking of these exams are available via the ICAEW website, exam sessions are held every three months.
CISM,CISA, CGEIT, CRISC certifications can all be booked via the ISACA website these certification are available at Sense IT's test centre in Highbridge, Somerset. The exam sessions are available every three months.
ITIL -2020 Update
There is now only one vendor for the Accredited ITIL certification which is PeopleCert. All these exams can be booked via Sense IT and delivered at our Highbridge Test centre.

London Institute of Banking and Finance (LIBF)
London Institute of Banking and Finance (LIBF) candidates often must sit three maybe four exams to gain accreditation in their chosen field:
UKFR - UK Financial Regulation
ASSM - Assessment of Mortgage Advice Knowledge
MORT - Mortgages
LTCP - Long Term Care and Later Life Planning
RRB - Risk & Regulation in Banking
Certificate in Regulated Equity Release
To book your exam you will need to be registered with LIBF, to schedule or reschedule your exam please visit: https://home.pearsonvue.com/libf
We deliver exams Monday to Friday most weeks and some Saturdays, if you need further details about our testing times please email enquries@sensetraining.co.uk
To book a Microsoft exam you will need to of registered on the Microsoft.com/learning website, once registered you will be instructed on how to book your exam and will be introduced to the PearsonVue website. It will be at this point you will be able to choose Sense IT as your test centre, please note! we are one of the few test centres to offer flexible testings times and not just one time per day, which we understand other test centres are unable to provide. If you wish to benefit from our private schedule of dates you will need to email first to arrange your specific date before booking via the Microsoft site.
Rescheduling / Cancelling Updated 2020:
Microsoft have changed their proceedures for canddiates rescheduling and cancelling their exams:
Candidates are not charged a fee if they reschedule or cancel their appointment at least 6 business days prior to the current appointment. Candidates are charged a 12.5 percent fee (based off of the current price of the exam on ( microsoft.com/learning) if they reschedule or cancel their appointment between 1 to 5 business days prior to the current appointment. Candidates forfeit their entire exam fee if they fail to show up for their appointment or do not reschedule or cancel their appointment at least 1 business day prior to the current appointment.
Note: Business days are Monday through Friday, not including holidays.
Candidates may reschedule or cancel their appointments by contacting the call center, contacting the test center the
appointment is scheduled at, or accessing the Microsoft Learning website and choosing the reschedule action.
Prince2 -2020 Update
There is now only one vendor for the Accredited Prince2 certification which is PeopleCert. All these exams can be booked via Sense IT and delivered at our Highbridge Test centre.
All Salesforce exams have to be booked via the Kryterion Webassessor portal to benefit from the Sense IT exam club which enables you access to our private schedule of dates you will need to email first to arrange your specific date before booking via the Kryterion site.
As we move forward and understand any further processes that need to be adhered to, we will update this page.
Practice Tests - Cisco, Microsoft, Oracle
Whether you are new to the IT industry or a seasoned professional, if you want the best opportunity to pass your exam we encourage you to "TALK" to us about Practice test exams. Practice tests are vendor approved and give you the opportunity to focus your mind on what questions and answers the Vendor/s may be looking for. We regularly have examinees who sit an exam only to fail and find it difficult to understand where they went wrong, when in their own words they have "read the book / course notes, inside and out".
It is a known "unknown" in the IT industry that attending either an Instructor-led or elearning course is no guarantee of success when it comes to sitting an exam.
Let us help you choose the right practice test for your exam so you can create a mindset and understanding of the vendors who have written the exams.
Sense IT will only provide vendor approved practice tests; There are very strict rules set against the use of "Brain dump" sites and vendors have put in place new procedures to track candidates sitting an exam and if it is considered that an examinee has used these "Brain Dump" sites the examinee will lose their qualification and been banned from testing.
We at Sense IT design training programmes to help not just to educate a candidate on their choosen subject but we provide training which prepares them for their exam. There are many Pit-falls with IT exams and with exams costing from £75.00 up to £350.00, talk to us first so we can help you get it right the first time.
Sense IT - Exam Club
For the exam candidates who are pressed for time and need a little more looking after than their current web browser experience will allow, Sense IT offers the option of joining our Exam Club.
Join Today! and get the Following Benefits:
Access to our Private Schedule of dates, choose the day and time you need!
Saturdays available
Exam Preparation / Study Room Available
We will book your exams for you if able
- Cut out the hassle of using the booking website
- Discount for multiple exams booked
- Receive a 20% Discount on practice tests
- Reduce the Worry! Know the process
A payment of £45 is charged for a six month period.
This does not affect your statutory rights and will not affect your ability to book exams directly through the Pearson Vue exam site.
Want to Join? Click here to Join